At Home Plan
Wake Up –“CARS” Morning Routine
Workout #1
Warm UP
Cars Warmup -> Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Ankles
Lunge Circuit – 8-12ea Forward, Reverse, Lateral
Swimmers -10 Reps
Crawl and Skip 5x
Little hops 20x/ leg. Forward, Reverse, Lateral
“Quick Hops” Forward Back, Side Side, Twist
Work Circuit
Body Weight Squats x 10-20
Straight Leg Lunges x 5-10 ea
Pushups x 5-20
Split Jumps x 5-10ea
Squat Jumps x 5-10
Pull Ups x 3-5
Rest :60-:90 seconds and repeat full circuit 3-5x
Workout #2
Warm UP
Cars Warmup -> Neck, Shoulders, Hips, Ankles
Lunge Circuit – 8-12ea Forward, Reverse, Lateral
Swimmers -10 Reps
Crawl and Skip 5x
Little hops 20x/ leg. Forward,Reverse, Lateral
“Quick Hops” 20x/foot. Forward Back, Side Side, Twist
* all sprints should be done at max speed ( use timer or race)
* complete jumps for max distance
* if you struggle being smooth with double or triple jump stick with singles
Sprints (Can Also Be Done on Hill)
10yd x 8 - :60 Rest
20yd x 4 - :120 Rest
30yd x 2 - :180 Rest
Jumps (:60 Rest) Can Be Done on Hill as Well
Single Jumps 5 Reps x 3 Sets
Double Jumps 2 Reps x 3-5 Sets
Triple Jumps 1 Rep x 3-5 Sets
Single Leg Triple Jumps 1-2 Reps x 3-5 Sets
Strength(Add weight to increase Difficulty-Rocks, Logs,bands, Cinder Blocks,small child all work)
Single Leg Squat variation 5-10 Reps
Pull Ups x Max Reps (if more than 10 add weight) or
Horizontal Row x 8-12 reps
Pushups 8-12(If Easy put weight on back)
Off Days: Go On A long Walk and complete CARS routine !!!!